Friday, December 30, 2011

Resolutions of Wonder Women

Let me just put this out there: New Year's resolutions are tough to keep. Factor in a busy life, craziness at work, trying to be the best momma, wife, sister, daughter, etc. and the resolutions to work out more, eat better, and lose weight just don't seem to happen. So rather than resolving to do those things this year, I think I've come up with a better resolution: work to find balance.

Balance in work and home.
Balance in momma and wife.
Balance in working toward healthy but not stressing over a few slip-ups here and there.
Balance in working hard and playing hard.

Here's what I'm hoping these will help me accomplish:
-leaving a little more work at work...maybe staying at work for 15 minutes more can help me be a better momma later that night.
-making time to workout, but not stressing when it doesn't happen.
-making time to grab dinner - just me and the hubs - and knowing that our peanut will be ok with the babysitter (aka Grandma and Grandpa).
-being less stressed and therefore a happier momma, wife, co-worker and friend!

Happy 2012!
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