Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday Loves!

It's Wednesday and after a rejuvenating lunch, we decided we should throw together a quick post, so here's what we're loving this busy, busy week:

[1] Our babes and hubbies.  obvi.

[2] Time to eat lunch.  with a bff.  outside.  with delicious sandwiches.  and brownies.  always need brownies.

What are you loving this week?

Are you a working momma?  What are you loving and can't live without??

p.s. we promise to post more soon and actually host this giveaway.  things are crazy-busy in the real-world.  
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  1. Loving your loves!
    Hope you’re having a great Wednesday! Drop by and say hello!

  2. Fact: Brownies with shortbread bottoms are even more delicious than regular brownies. Did not know it was possible!

  3. lunch with a bff and brownies sounds wonderful!!


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